
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Berkampung di Alam Warisan

"Berkampung di Alam Warisan " is a program organized by the Bureau of International Students, SekreFaST collaboration with association of Ladang Alam Warisan. This program was held on Friday, 28 March 2014 at Ladang Alam Warisan, Seri Menanti, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. The main purpose of this program is to introduce the Malay Cultural Heritage to the international students as well as  to foster relationship among students and society. About 36 participants had participated on that day which consist of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students including lecturers and committee members. There are a variety of competitions and activities provided which is :

  • Riding Horse 
  • Tarik Tali
  • Lari ikat kaki 
  • Sports for children 
  • Archery  
  • Climb up the pole 
  • Traditional Malay cooking competition
and many more..


Traditional Malay Cooking Competition

Tarik tali
Climb up the pole

Lari ikat kaki 

Winner of Lari ikat kaki

Alhamdulillah , they enjoyed all the games there and great memories were craved together with the presence of TV3 crews. Congratulations to all for participating in the competition , especially for the winner. A thousand of thanks we bid to Association of Ladang Alam Warisan for allowing us to join this program. 

As Allah stated in the holy Quran :
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know each one another...".[Al-Hujaarat, 13]

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